The Curator-Educator is a not for profit organisation dedicated to developing creative opportunities that are accessible and inclusive for all. Opening up a vast range of possibilities that can support, further and make creative encounters, engaging for everyone on a range of levels.
Throughout all of the work, our primary focus is rooted in using the arts as a tool to support people with their wellbeing and mental health and put people's individual experiences at the forefront.
The Curator-Educator has over 10 years experience working in the creative and educational and wellbeing sector and offers a range of bespoke creative wellbeing programmes and workshops, craft workshops, community projects and exhibitions across the Midlands and beyond.

We strive to provide new opportunities and experiences for people that aims to:
Break down social and cultural barriers
Encourage individual exploration
Explore creativity through a variety of opportunities
Puts people at the forefront of every experience
It is our belief that there is great power in creativity and the arts which we aim to offer to all throughout services.